Create access group
With the help of access groups, the Portal administrator can control which members should have access to the portal's modules and what they should be ...
Create e-signing
Follow these steps to create an e-signing process on a document in TeamEngine.
Click on the quick menu to the left of the document.E-signing can ...
Create a meeting
1. Open the Calendar in the left-hand menu 2. Create event 3. In first tab, Meeting, add all practical details 4. Add Participants if you ...
Create agenda
Open the meeting and click Edit (unless you just created it, in which case you simply can continue).
Open tab Agenda
Select either Create new agenda or ...
Create board pack
1. Open meeting2. Hover over Download / Print 3. Select Board Pack4. Choose Destination (Select printer or Save as PDF)
Create an insider
Open the Insider Manager module.
Hover over Create.
Select Create Insider.
Add e-mail address (the only mandatory contact detail at this stage as each insider will be asked ...
Create Questionnaire
Questionnaire title and introduction.Add the questionnaire's title at the very top. Below it you have the option to add an introduction to the questionnaire. Insert ...
Create an Insider List
To create an insider list, start by opening the Insider List module in the left-hand menu.
Hover over Create at the very top and select New ...
Create survey
To make a questionnaire available to participants you need to create a survey. You will find the option 'Create survey' in several places. Firstly in ...
Create annotations
To create annotations, click the Annotating Tools icon in the top menu. The menu will open and you may choose which of the tools you ...
Create voting
Open the meeting where you want to create a vote and select Edit. If you just created the meeting, you can continue directly to the ...
Close / open voting
If you want to close a voting, so that no one can vote or change their answer anymore, you can follow these steps:
Open the meeting ...
Cancel e-signing process
If for some reason you need to cancel a ongoing signing process, this can be done, but all signatures on the document will then be ...
Create new activity
You can create a new activity regardless of whether you yourself will be responsible or if you want to delegate the responsibility to another member.
To ...
Create multiple activities
You can create up to six activities at once, in a simplified form:
Click on Create in the module menu.
Select Multiple Activities.
An activity form for multiple activities opens in ...
Close an Insider list
When the information has become public or the project is terminated for any reason, you can close the insider list. In TeamEngine Insider Manager there ...
Copy annotations
To copy annotations to the latest version of a document, follow these steps:
Click More in the top menu.
Then click on Version history.
Then select Copy latest annotations.
A ...
Change your password
Follow these steps to change your password in My Settings:
Go to your name in the top right menu and select My settings.
Click the Change password button.
A new ...
Change email address
In TeamEngine, your username is the same as your email address. You have the option to change your email address from My Settings. Only the ...
Create a new manual section
1. Click the Create button at the top of the table of contents.
2. A manual section form opens in edit mode in the manual's right ...
Create a new directory entry
1. Go to Create in the module menu.
2. Select Entry, the name can be customized in Module settings
3. A directory entry form opens in a ...
Create Schedule email
To create a schedule email, start by opening the Insider List module in the left-hand menu.
Hover over Create at the very top and select Schedule email. ...
Copy Schedule email
Here's how to copy a Scheduled email:
Go to the Schedule emails tab in your Insider Manager
Click on the quick menu to the left of the ...