Edit or delete existing modules
1. Scroll to the module in which you want to make changes 2. Either click the menu to the left of the module’s name, or ...
Edit annotations
Click on the annotation you want to edit and a small popup will open for that particular annotation and you can make the changes you ...
Edit voting
Open the meeting where you want to edit a vote and select Edit.
Open the Agenda tab.
Go to the item where the vote you want to ...
Enable e-signing for Document list
In order to create an e-signing process on a PDF document, this function must be activated in the module settings for the current Document list.
You ...
Edit an insider list
You can open an insider list in edit mode in two ways:
Click on the insider list project name. The insider list opens in a read ...
Edit an insider
You can open an insider in edit mode in two ways:
Click on the insider's name. The Insider opens in a read only mode in a ...
Edit access group
With the help of access groups, the Portal administrator can control which members should have access to the portal's modules and what they should be ...
Edit a manual section
1. Click the context menu to the left of the manuals section in the table of contents.
2. Select Edit.
3. The manual section opens in ...
Edit a directory entry
1. Click on the left column of the current directory entry to open it.
2. Click on the menu option Action and select Edit.
3. The directory ...
Edit Schedule email
You can edit scheduled emails in two ways:
Click on the subject of the email. The email opens in reading mode in a new window.
Click on ...